30-Year Depression Lifted After Practicing Falun Dafa
A Falun Dafa practitioner in Germany shares their story of getting out of a deep depression.
After 30 years of chronic severe depression, I discovered the spiritual practice of Falun Dafa and it saved my life! If I had not practiced Falun Gong, I might not be alive today.
I had many problems during my childhood, and by the time I was 14 years old, I had developed severe depression.
A woman appears depressed. Image via Unsplash, Eric Ward.
Voices in my head tried to make me believe that I was incompetent, mean, and weak. Unfortunately, this would sometimes cause suicidal ideation. Medication and clinic stays were out of the question, as I believed that I might lose control over my life. I had three children that I was responsible for, which was the reason for my not sinking into even deeper depression.
Battling with Severe Depression for 30 Years
I would feel okay for a month, and then there were periods that lasted from four to six weeks when I was barely able to move. I was so depressed. Such periodic changes became a part of my life. During a good phase, I felt as if I had pulled through, but then I would fall right back into depression. I suffered through these periods of depression for 30 years.
During those 30 years, I went through different kinds of psychological studies in the hopes that I could help myself and get over my periods of depression. Alas, nothing I did made a difference. I even felt my own resistance to change, and the belief that my life could ever change ebbed away. There was a point when I simply could no longer handle it. My thoughts turned more and more towards suicide. I only wanted peace of body and mind.
Running Out of Options for Treatment for Depression, I Started to Practice Falun Dafa
By then, I had turned 44 and was tired of living. My brother, who lived in South Africa, came for a visit in 2007. He had started to practice Falun Dafa in 1998. During a meal, I told him that I was not well at all. Besides the depression, I also suffered from other illnesses, such as severe headaches and abdominal pains. I also had financial difficulties.
My brother suggested that I read Zhuan Falun, the main text of Falun Dafa, which could work wonders. Actually, I had known for many years that my brother practiced Falun Dafa, but I didn't believe in cultivation. I had run out of options that could help me and hit rock bottom. I thought that since I was at the end of my endurance, I might as well read that book.
Falun Dafa practitioners practice the gentle exercises at Fitzroy Gardens, Melbourne.
My Life Turns Around and the Depression Lifts for Good
Once I started, I could not put the book down and knew that this was what I had been looking for all my life. The teachings went deep into my heart, and I could not stop reading Master Li’s teachings.
After I finished reading the book, I read all of Master's lectures. At the same time, I personally felt that if I wanted to truly practice Falun Dafa, I needed to decide whether to continue on with my faith in Christianity. I felt conflicted, but after consideration I decided to truly practice Falun Dafa, which is a true cultivation way of the Buddha School. You can join the free online Falun Dafa classes here.
After truly practicing Falun Dafa and applying the principles in my daily life, the depression bothered me less and less. My energy grew, and I felt for the first time that I was truly living my own life. My chronic physical problems got better gradually, and eventually, they completely disappeared.
My financial situation also improved over time.
Today, when I look back on the past and my difficult life journey, I am filled with deep gratitude because Master Li Hongzhi and his teachings saved me from the brink.
‘Learn Falun Gong—Australia’ is a website run by Australian Falun Dafa volunteers for the benefit of the general public.
Disclaimer: Individual results may vary. Information is provided as a guide only, and does not take the place of professional or medical advice.
References: https://en.minghui.org/html/articles/2018/8/30/171700.html