Falun Gong Described by Many as a ‘True Way’
“Falun Dafa is the true Way.” This is what one person told a friend upon experiencing the wonders of Falun Dafa by himself, according to clearwisdom.net.
Falun Dafa (also called Falun Gong) is based on the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance, and the practice has had a profound impact on the lives of many people throughout China and the world. Read 5 Reasons Why Falun Gong (Falun Dafa) is Great!
Practioner doing Falun Dafa’s fourth meditative exercise (Credit: Theepochtimes.com)
Falun Gong is a form of Qi Gong that began spreading in China in 1992. Qi Gong is a type of spiritual practice traditional to China that dates back as far as the beginning of Chinese history. You could compare Qi Gong to be the Chinese version of India's Yoga.
Prior to 1999, stories of good health spread across the land, and people travelled all over China to listen to Falun Gong's founder, Li Hongzhi teach the principles of Falun Gong.
The practice would quickly grow to 100 million practitioners inside China in 7 short years.
A Positive Impact
Thousands of new people were starting to practice every day, with exercise sites having thousands of people practicing every morning and night.
Soon everyone came to know of Falun Gong. Chinese practitioners would walk with confidence knowing that they were lucky to have discovered such a true, upright teaching. Falun Gong was even practiced and respected by high-ranking CCP (Chinese Communist Party) members and officials.
Some reports at that time said that the health improvements experienced by the tens of millions of practitioners had benefited the state’s stressed health care system.
There were so many benefits that Falun Gong brought to Chinese society. It seemed that many people's hearts were becoming good again.
The Persecution of Falun Gong
Prior to the persecution that began on July 20th 1999, CCP agents secretly investigated Falun Gong with instances of undercover agents infiltrating the group. However, after two occasions of investigation—in 1994 and in 1997—the CCP found that Falun Gong was simply a meditation group that improves physical health and moral values. Instead, an investigation to find evidence against the practice ended in vain. Read Why Did China Persecute These Seemingly Peaceful Falun Gong Meditators?
Other than volunteers who sought to assist Falun Gong in spreading the practice, there was no official paid jobs or positions as the practice had a rule of no money involved.
This frustrated Jiang Zemin, the party leader at the time who would then go on in his jealous rage to instigate a ruthless persecution of Falun Gong that sought to eliminate the practice in 3 months.
This would initiate a brutal crackdown that includes all kinds of torture, forced labour in concentration camps and false accusations.
Practitioners in China have been imprisoned, sentenced to brainwashing and forced labor, and been subjected to various types of cruel torture methods.
All this to stop a practice that teaches people to be good, moral, and upright people in society. The evil nature of the CCP just couldn't allow something so good in its morally depraved society.
Falun Gong is Good
After nearly 23 years of persecution, Falun Gong is practised all over the world and is known by millions of people to be a good and upright practice. Practitioners all over the world freely practice Falun Gong.
The Chinese characters under the Falun symbol stand for “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance,” the central teaching of Falun Gong (Credit: Minghui.org)
It is an amazing story of a group of peaceful people who have been peacefully resisting the terror of the Chinese Communist Party for nearly 23 years. But against all odds, the practice is still flourishing.
We hope you enjoyed reading this post.
‘Learn Falun Gong—Australia’ is a website run by Australian Falun Dafa volunteers for the benefit of the general public.